Each year, more people buy homes and join a homeowner’s association or HOAs. These communities hold a lot of promise for homeowners, not just with the quality of living but with future reselling as well. The rules and regulations of HOAs allow for property values to go higher over time, and many potential buyers have been swayed by the allure of being part of an HOA.
Image source: Trulia.com
But what exactly is the homeowner’s role in an HOA?
To reap the rewards of being part of an HOA, a homeowner has to be committed to the rules of the community. Most of the regulations take almost zero effort to follow and in fact are things that people do on a regular basis. While following the restrictions for some homeowners, may take a bit of getting used to, unreasonably and overly restrictive rules are very rare and are almost always up for contestation.
The first thing future homeowners should do is to look up the rules and regulations of an HOA, even before they decide to buy the house. Once all necessary documents have been signed, homeowners should then should fulfill their responsibilities such as keeping their homes presentable at all times. Typically, schedules and time frames for renovations are part of an HOA’s list of regulations.
Homeowners can also suggest and recommend ways to enhance the quality of living in an association such as having neighborhood watches and sporting events in nearby parks.
Image source: jacksonwhitelaw.com